Case study
Arts | Social Enterprise
We've helped Spectra develop a visual identity that translated their community-focused brand values and supported them in bringing their creative mission at the forefront of their digital communications.

Local Young Talent Festival

Warwickshire County Council 'Tech Challenge' Award delivered in Partnership with Creative Leamington
LYT is a month long festival that combines the technology and creative sector to breathe new life into Leamington Spa’s public realm. Delivered in partnership with Creative Leamington, Blunt & Brave was a Technology Partner, helping to shape festival's look, feel as well, website and social media content.
UX Design
Website Development
Content Creation
Value created
of surveyed audiences said they felt the festival had a positive impact on the overall look and feel of the High Street
(ER Arts)
of artists who gave feedback said they would like to be involved in similar projects in the future
(ER Arts)
of surveyed audiences said there should be more things like this happening in Leamington Spa and in the surrounding area
(ER Arts)

Project insights
The Festival
As part of the festival vacant and occupied store fronts transformed into galleries and pop-up performance spaces for a month-long showcase, energising the retail experience and showcasing the best of local young talent.
The public was be able to participate in the festival and each of its sites by conencting to content via QR codes that transported them to a purpoesly built festival website.
The interactive map featured on the website acted as a series of trails driving the public to discover more about what is on offer, transforming the high street and engaging with local businesses and makers.
The website also offered shoppers with an opportunity to redeem voucher codes and offers that were produced in collaboration with the shops & spaces involved, creating a map of businesses that are providing both artistic engagement and exciting opportunities to shop.
Festival Sponsors & Partners
LYT was powered by Creative Leamington in collaboration with Blunt & Brave.
We were sponsored by Warwickshire County Council and supported by our local partners: BID Leamington, Wareing & Co, Royal Priors Shopping Centre, WCG Leamington Spa College and RiVR.
Festival Evaluation Report was carried by ER Arts CIC.
Blunt & Brave the festival tech partner created excellent visuals and feel for the LYT brand identity. The quality of the festival website, documentation, promotional imagery & online content was consistently of very high standard.
ER Arts
Festival Evaluator